CoolSculpting near Richmond VA

The Cool Way to Sculpt Hot Summer Looks

Summer in Virginia is sizzling, so are you ready to bare it all in a swimsuit? If not, don’t sweat it! Neroli Med Spa and Beauty Lounge has just the thing to sculpt ideal looks. We offer CoolSculpting in our office near Richmond to melt fat and tone muscle! Before you hit the pool, dive into the details behind this incredible body sculpting option.

Why should you sculpt?

Where many people see problem areas, our specialists see potential! Before every treatment at Neroli, we begin with an in-depth consultation. Here are some of the most common concerns our CoolSculpting near Richmond, VA, can treat:


For many women, opening up about their body image can be difficult. That’s why our specialists are devoted to creating a welcoming, caring environment for everyone who walks through our door. CoolSculpting is a perfect way to address many of the hardest concerns to talk about in just a few minutes!

Chin up!

Over time, daily life, aging, posture, and even genetics can cause double chins. While some may opt for costly and intense surgery, Neroli takes a more natural approach with CoolSculpting. The versatile applicator is small enough to fit comfortably under the chin, yet powerful enough to put excess fat on ice.


Bye-Bye, Bra Fat

Your bra may fit just right, but if you’re carrying around excess fat, bra bulge can show through, creating unsightly concerns regardless of your outfit! To say goodbye to bra fat, we can target areas around your upper belly and back.

Not-in-Love Handles

If you’re not in love with the way your waistline looks, CoolSculpting near Richmond can help. To see if we can show your love handles some care, you can start your consultation at home. Simply take your index finger and thumb and try to pinch your fat. If you can squeeze it, we can freeze it!

Thigh-High Hopes

If you’re ready to show your legs some love, it’s time to give your shapewear a break. Our dynamic duo of CoolSculpting and CoolTone is the perfect one-two punch to melt fat and improve muscle tone throughout your inner and outer thighs.

For the Boys

Contrary to popular belief, med spas are for the boys! Guys who get real about their body goals get the best treatments possible at Neroli Med Spa and Beauty Lounge. Even tough guys need an extra touch to achieve their ideal look. Here are some of the ways CoolSculpting helps hunks near Richmond:


Poppin’ Pecs!

Can you pop your pecs? Go on, try it! To get those moobs moving, CoolSculpting can take your chest workout to the next level. When paired with CoolTone, your pecs will shine through in high definition! This cool combo is a great way to help dad bods all over the Old Dominion.

The Ultimate 6-Pack

To turn that keg into the ultimate 6-pack, CoolSculpting shows your gains without any pain. By freezing away the top layer of fat surrounding your core, your abs can shine through. When you want to pump up your core workout even further, CoolTone is a perfect pairing. 

Stud Muffin (Without the Top)

Muffin tops are a typical concern we see in men and women alike. CoolSculpting’s unique applicator is versatile and effective enough to melt fat in the flank area. Keep in mind, this treatment is only truly effective if you’re within 25 pounds of your ideal weight.   

Watch Your Tone

Tanned and toned is always in style for guys all over the Potomac. So, while you’re enjoying the benefits of CoolSculpting, feel free to ask our specialists about the many other ways Neroli can help you reach your body goals! 

CoolSculpting, Sizzling Results

There’s no better way to prep for summer than by painlessly reducing fat with our CoolSculpting near Richmond, VA. But how does this revolutionary treatment work? While the results may be red hot, the science behind them is sub-zero cool.

Where CoolSculpting Works

The FDA has cleared CoolSculpting for 9 areas throughout the body. In areas like the upper arms, flanks, and thighs, this treatment only works on subcutaneous fat. A good way to find this type of fat is with a simple rule of thumb.


“If you can pinch it, we can freeze it!”

CoolSculpting is an amazing way to freeze away fat, but not all fat is the same! Visceral fat is a more serious type of fat, typically found close to your internal organs. Because of where this fat is located and the risks that come with treating these areas, we don’t recommend CoolSculpting to freeze visceral fat

How CoolSculpting Works

This treatment is also known as cryolipolysis because of the unique process that uses temperature to damage fat cells. The applicator works by vacuuming the area above the targeted fatty tissue to rapidly cool and kill fat cells. These cells are then expelled by your body’s natural processes. 

Unlike invasive methods like liposuction, cryolipolysis uses metabolic pathways to eliminate fat cells. Instead of complex, invasive fat removal, you simply expel this fat by sweating, urinating, and even breathing. Painless, quick, and comfortable are the hallmarks of many treatments you’ll find at Neroil MedSpa and Beauty Lounge!

Where Virginia Goes to Sculpt

Our practice is proud to help thousands of patients create unique treatment plans that help them look, function, and feel their best. Since 2006, our office in Charlottesville continues to be a haven for anyone seeking effective treatments and lasting results. Patients trust our team for everything from permanent makeup to CoolSculpting near Richmond. To understand how Neroli can sculpt your ideal look, let’s take a look at what you can expect when you visit:

Your Treatment


Throughout your consultation, we’ll discuss your unique concerns to determine the specific treatments and number of sessions you may need to reach your goals. We’ll also discuss things like your schedule, pain tolerance, and lifestyle to make sure our recommendations are right for you. Since no two people are alike, no two treatment plans are either. 


On the day of your initial treatment, our friendly front desk staff will check you in and make sure all necessary forms are filled out. Our specialist will then escort you to a treatment room, make sure any last-minute questions are answered, and begin prep for your session. 


To prepare for your treatment, we precisely place a specialized gel sheet for your comfort and safety throughout your session. With the sheet in place, our specialist will begin your CoolSculpting treatment. At first, you may feel a cold sensation, but soon, your treatment area will become numb as our applicator goes to work.


In less than an hour, you’re back on your feet and ready to take on the rest of your day. Each treatment area takes between 30 and 45 minutes. So, if you’d like to include multiple treatment areas in one session, your total treatment may take multiple hours. No matter how many areas we treat, each session is completely painless with absolutely no downtime. Before you leave, our front desk will schedule your next session and bid you au revoir!  

Perfect Pairings

At Neroli Medspa and Beauty Lounge, there are no one-and-done treatments. We believe in compounding approaches to total health and beauty. With that in mind, your specialist will likely recommend multiple treatments to exceed your expectations. These are some of our common recommendations for patients to receive alongside CoolSculpting near Richmond:

Medical Weight Loss

As amazing as CoolSculpting is, it does have its limitations. This method is only recommended when patients are within 25 pounds of their ideal weight. To help patients reach their weight loss goals, we recommend medical weight loss solutions:

  • Semaglutide

This injection is known as a GLP-1 antagonist. By targeting hormones related to hunger and optimizing blood sugar levels, semaglutide helps your body naturally lose weight with minimal side effects! Just one weekly injection can make a huge difference in your weight loss journey.

  • Tirzepatide

Like semaglutide, tirzepatide targets hormones and regulates blood sugar. However, these injections target both the GLP-1 and GIP receptors to help your body metabolize nutrients. By offering both semaglutide and tirzepatide, we keep weight loss within reach for a wide range of concerns and conditions!

VI Peel

You may be able to sculpt a sizzling look for summer, but how are you treating your skin? The VI Peel is a common pairing with CoolSculpting near Richmond, VA, to treat your body right from the inside out! This chemical peel is powerful enough to eliminate sunspots, poor texture, and acne, yet gentle enough to be used on multiple areas without any extensive downtime.


LED Light Therapy

To put the spa in your medspa experience at Neroli, we recommend LED light therapy! Our Lightstim LED bed is a great way to reset, relax, and renew your body and mind. This is the first FDA-approved treatment of its kind proven to boost mental and physical well-being in just one treatment. So, while you’re treating your body right, take care of your mental health as well!

Heat Up Your Look

If you’re ready to spice up your summer, Neroli MedSpa and Beauty Lounge is here to help! See all your options poolside with our virtual treatment planning tool, or book your in-person appointment to get clinical, personal insights from Virginia’s hottest team of medical minds!

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